Franco Battiato
Franco Venanti
Andrea Cernicchi
Vittorio Sgarbi
Eugenio Gianń
Antonio Carlo Ponti
Sabrina Falzone
Serena Carlino
Paolo Levi
Marco Grilli
Elena Gollini
Luciano Cancelloni
Salvatore Russo
Councillor for Culture and Youth of the Municipality of Perugia
The key words with which critics explain the artistic conception of Anna Maria Artegiani are philosophy, mysticism, religion and introspection. Impalpable images that the artist is able to fix on the canvas questioning the concept so dear to Plato's soul, the point of union between the intelligible and the sensible.
Under these conditions one could think of an abstract painting with figures rather vague and Anna Maria surprises us by impressing on the canvas faces sharp, bright eyes that "look inside" and real environments, often imported from Eastern culture so dear to her, expressing peace . That peace that is found classical religious iconography. But otherwise, current, contemporary art. Looks that crosses the train or on the street. Eyes that are imprinted in memory. Expressions of serenity conquered. Peace. Longed and longed for but finally found it.
Leaving aside, then, the deep analysis of art historians, what stands out is the rare artist's ability to communicate the naturalness of events dipping, simply brush in reality.