Franco Battiato
Franco Venanti
Andrea Cernicchi


Vittorio Sgarbi
Eugenio Gianń
Antonio Carlo Ponti
Sabrina Falzone
Serena Carlino
Paolo Levi
Marco Grilli
Elena Gollini
Luciano Cancelloni
Salvatore Russo


A depiction of the emotional Anna Maria Artegiani. A figure whose guidelines are characterized by great harmony with which the painter delineates the narration.
The works of Artegiani are real poetic whispers.
Works that dance in space and which are characterized by the refinement of color and the great power of the sign. Works that tell the feelings experienced by the figures represented.
The artist through a figuration that would call sublime observer tells his stories. Stories whose beauty seduces her eyes dell'astante that can not help but observe with dreamy eyes.