Franco Battiato
Franco Venanti
Andrea Cernicchi
Vittorio Sgarbi
Eugenio Gianń
Antonio Carlo Ponti
Sabrina Falzone
Serena Carlino
Paolo Levi
Marco Grilli
Elena Gollini
Luciano Cancelloni
Salvatore Russo
Creating It communicates, watching listen to
Artistic creation has always been considered a miracle of the human being
With its form of mentis it can give life to the invisible, to give voice to the inexpressible, to
To make manifest what only the human soul, in its intimate shape, can shaping.
Anna Maria Artegiani, in this she proved to be a true teacher who knew
Listen to her soul, producing masterpieces of undisputed beauty.
His meditation on the time of the sacred opens to scenarios of rare beauty: making art is
Complex but it is even more if it tends to give voice to the sacred, that is to that world
Of the intangibility that reason can look at but which will certainly not succeed
Never to understand. Here comes the heart that with emotional pots succeeds
Pulsing creative life: after all, art is nothing more than pure creation, from which
A new life emerges as a work of art, a bridge between rationality and
Emotion, between reason and heart.
Here the Artegian takes on an impeccable technique, fruit of study and meditation on
Old masters, who resumed themselves as doctors of the technique, but who knows how to riplasmare
According to contemporary canons, bringing his being an artist today within
Every work.
Communication and listening are the dictation that requires our Anna's work
Maria Artegiani, whom we can enjoy with pleasure in the exhibition halls
Temporary of our Diocesan and Capitular Museum of Terni.